Passing client cert through nginx to the backend

Recently, I’ve had to work on a certificate authentication in our system, where we use nginx as the proxy to all of our services. Our services talk to each other in mTLS connection(, and the challenge here were 1. How do we go about passing in the client cert through the nginx to the backend? […]

My new toy: Raspberry pi 3 Model b+

I’ve recently bought a raspberry pi 3 model b+ which became so popular once they’ve released it as a celebration for the pi-day(3/14) this year. It’s my first personal rasPi, though I’ve always been wanting to get one for my self even after college. Wanted to share some tips how to set up the rasPi […]

Size inducing by measuring global usage of a cluster

Measuring the global usage of distributed application is necessary for estimating horizontally scalable infrastructure needs. Kubernetes provides a mechanism for multi-tenancy by its namespace feature. A quick and dirty way to estimate cluster bin packing can be accomplished by simple for loop like this. END=100 for i in $(seq 1 $END); do SECONDS=0 name=”claire-$i” kubectl […]

Config map creation could happen in one yaml

We could just add a configmap key value pairs into one yaml file along with the other orchestration (service definitions). Adding a following block on top of the yaml file that we used for the orchestration would create a configmap named hpup-admin’ under whichever namespace defined by a user. For example, when having to mount […]

Back to using pandas and Jupyter

I’ve been missing using pandas and jupyter for data analysis and machine learning. For the hackathon at my company, I chose the machine learning/data engineering project to re-polish my knowledge on those tools. Have set up my Jupyter 3 with anaconda, and got started by testing the prometheus end points. Prometheus( is a metric collection […]

Cfssl using authsign endpoint.

I’ve been trying to use the authsign endpoint on the cfssl (cloudflare’s PKI TLS toolkit)  However due to the lack of documentation for the specific endpoint it was not really intuitive to use it. I had to reverse engineer a bit and used Go to prototype.   Once you have the json constructed, you can send […]